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What Are Invisalign Attachments? Answering Common FAQs

What Are Invisalign Attachments

If you’re thinking about getting Invisalign in Charlotte, NC, you may have read a bit about Invisalign “attachments” or “buttons.” But what are they? What do they do? And will you need them during your treatment? In this blog, SouthEnd Dentistry will answer all of your common FAQs about Invisalign attachments and how they work. 

What Are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are small pieces of dental resin (plastic) that are bonded onto your teeth during your Invisalign treatment. They are often called “buttons,” because they look like a small button attached to your tooth. 

Despite the name, though, these attachments can be square, triangular, oval, and many other shapes. our dentist will choose the proper shape to attach to your tooth based on your treatment plan. 

Why Do I Need Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are meant to help Invisalign correct your smile more quickly. You can think of an Invisalign attachment as a handle for your trays. Basically, these raised bumps let your Invisalign trays “grab” onto your teeth more effectively, which helps move them into place more quickly and efficiently. 

Will People Be Able To See My Invisalign Attachments?

Most of the time, no. Your Invisalign attachments will be matched to the color of your teeth, and will also be hidden somewhat by your Invisalign trays. It will be hard for anyone to notice them unless they’re staring at your teeth. 

Does Everyone Get Invisalign Attachments?

Not everyone will need Invisalign attachments. Patients with minor orthodontic issues may not need them to move their teeth. However, most Invisalign patients will need to get at least a few attachments to ensure their teeth move properly. 

Does It Hurt To Get Invisalign Attachments?

Not at all. The process is completely non-invasive. After your teeth are cleaned, our dentist will just apply a small amount of dental resin to your tooth, then bond the Invisalign attachment in place. That’s it! 

Removing your attachments is easy, too. Our dentist will just use a tool to weaken the adhesive holding the attachment in place, and pop it off of your tooth. Once that’s done, he’ll use a polishing tool to gently buff away any residue from the attachment. 

When Will My Invisalign Attachments Be Removed?

Your Invisalign attachments will be removed after your orthodontic treatment is complete. It’s not recommended to have them removed until your teeth have reached their final positions. Be patient! Your end results will be worth it.

Contact SouthEnd Dentistry And See If Invisalign Is Right For You!

At SouthEnd Dentistry, our team has a lot of experience treating patients in South End, Dilworth, Myers, and Uptown with Invisalign. If you’re self-conscious about your smile and would like to learn more about invisible orthodontics with Invisalign, contact us online or give us a call at (704) 335-8266.

At your consultation, our dentist can determine if you’re a good candidate, discuss the pros and cons of Invisalign, and give you more information about the process. So don’t wait. Take the first steps toward a beautiful smile today.

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